Kosmont Real Estate Services (KRES), doing business as Kosmont Realty (KR) has a proven track record of partnering knowledge and experience with opportunity. The following is a limited representative sampling of selected projects. Please contact us for further case studies or experience relevant to your particular project needs.

Adelanto LRPMP and BOV

Kosmont is helping secure DOF approval of the transfer and sale of properties owned by the former Redevelopment Agency (Property). KRC additionally assisted with the preparation of an informal broker opinion of value (BOV) to evaluate the current value of the Properties, in order to support any future negotiations between the SA and DOF regarding the ultimate disposition of the subject Property.


Alhambra PMP and BOV

KRC provided PMP and real estate advisory services to the SA in an effort to help productively advance and ultimately secure approval of the Successor Agency’s PMP by the DOF, which occurred on March 30, 2015. Kosmont aided the SA in preparing its PMP, advisory assistance with DOF negotiations, as well as determining the appropriate future uses and strategies for property disposition.

Cypress BOV

City of Cypress BOV

KRC provided PMP and real estate advisory services to the SA in an effort to help productively advance and ultimately secure approval of the disposition of Successor Agency’s property. Kosmont aided the SA with advisory assistance with DOF negotiations, as well as determining the appropriate future uses and strategies for the disposition of one of its PMP properties.